TITLE || |
All Is Lost |
DATED || |
05.17.2009 |
When shit
happens, we first think it's catastrophic. But sometimes these
"catastrophies" turn out to be blessings in disguise.
A prime example of this is something that I (and many others,
apparently) have gone through recently with my Xbox 360 account.
Through some sort of strange payment option fluke, my account
was placed on indefinite suspension. The result was loss of
all data, from game saves and achievements to themes, gamerpics,
and full versions of digital games. Literally, the hundreds
of dollars and hours I put into my Japanese account, all suddenly
"locked" and inaccessible. Through the ordeal, Microsoft
reps told me that they could do nothing about it. And this
happened after my first system finally got the "Red Ring
'O' Death!" The infamous "Red Ring" was expected;
with every coming generation, hardware life seems to be getting
shorter. Even though it happened at the most inconvenient
time (the day RE5 came out), I accepted it, went out that
same morning, and bought another one. But this whole account
fluke was something that wasn't as predictable. It took more
thought; I had to look at it from all angles to understand
By now,
you're asking why I didn't just cut my losses further and
trade everything in toward a PS3 (after all this shit) and
start building my collection up again, but it's not that easy
when almost everyone you know has an XB360, too. For those
who didn't know, talking on the headset is hundreds of dollars
cheaper than talking on the phone (especially for long-distance)!
Some people have decided to get a PS3 after being fed-up with
XB360 issues, but most of the people on my friend list probably
won't do the same. Selling mine would alienate me from them!
Not just that, but selling all my XB360 games and hardware
toward a PS3 would be hard to justify as a means of getting
back at them (since my computer runs on Windows and Microsoft
basically runs the computers everywhere). Having to get a
new computer to run Linux (instead of Windows) and trading
XB360 versions of games (like SFIV and RE5) toward their identical
PS3 versions would put me in the red just to "get back"
at Microsoft. It would be a major set-back, and there are
still games like Dead Rising, Lost Planet - Colonies, Double
Dragon (HD), and Bikini Samurai Squad that haven't been released
on the PS3. Essential for game fans.
I put in
a lot of time for everything that I accomplished on my last
profile, so losing all that stuff definitely sucked. Getting
S rankings on every stage of 1942, winning 10 Elimination
matches on Lost Planet, and passing every normal difficulty
stage in Armored Core 4 were some of the most difficult feats
I had ever accomplished. All the stuff I did on Puzzle Fighter
was even harder! But, there was something in the back of my
mind telling me that the loss of all of this could be a blessing
in disguise; that it was all lost for an entirely different
When I logged
in to the American Xbox Live, it was immediately apparent
what I had been missing for so long. While the American version
of the service greets you with a plethora of intruiging features,
the Japanese version is bare bones with nothing more than
bite-sized versions of Marketplace and Insider. The American
XBL service lets you download cool TV shows like Psych and/or
LOST, along with tons of music videos and old cartoons like
X-MEN. Hell, the Japanese XBL "service" not only
lacks these, but any popular Japanese hits or classics that
would have been fine substitutions! Insider has the obligatory
hosts and some noteworthy interviews (with figures like SFIV
producer Ono), but it doesn't have nearly as much substance
as its Western counterpart. The Japanese "Live Park"
appears to be the equivalent of the American "Game with
Fame," but gaming with models and idols doesn't seem
quite as interesting as gaming with developers who are actually
into games. They spend so much time tailoring games for Japanese
taste, but maybe they should put more effort into tailoring
Live for Japanese taste, instead.
Even the
themes and gamer picture packs for the same titles are scarce
in comparison; the US version of live has much more to choose
from (even for titles of Japanese origin). This is especially
true when you look at Capcom's digital titles, most of which
aren't even available in Japan (their country of origin)!
This qualm in particular has made the XBL "experience"
vastly inferior for Japanese players and Capcom fans alike.
Series like Street Fighter, Commando, and Puzzle Fighter were
all born on Japanese soil, yet the new, high-quality HD versions
of these titles are unavailable for Japanese players to enjoy?
Unthinkable, considering there are so many other titles on
XBL with little to no production value. Strangely, they only
made one title available recently, and that was Bionic Commando
- Rearmed; not nearly as fun as the titles that went unreleased.
What a complete waste of "service."
When it
was all said and done, I thought to myself, "good riddance."
Did all that happen to finally push me into using an American
profile as I should have been all along, once and for all?
Though I lost a lot in the process, now I am getting much
more for the service I have been paying for all this time.
To those who want to have everything on one account, I will
tell you that you should make an American account as your
primary one. Take it from someone who learned the hard way!
It's alrite
though, because I've been gaming since back in the day when
there were no achievements or game saves. Shit, back then
I played NES games on a black & white TV! Most XB360 owners
probably can't even imagine such things. I've been through
worse, and I'm not giving up that easy. I'm going and I'm
taking it all back; all those achievements, all those wins,
and then some! Booyay!