TITLE || |
To Elbow |
DATED || |
06.22.2009 |
When it
came out, Mutant Storm - Reloaded (together with Geometry
Wars - Evolved) used the dawn of HD technology to reintroduce
the shooting genre to the masses. This was all through the
reintroduction of a simplistic, free-roaming shooting formula
that had long since died with some of the oldest titles in
the genre. Prior to this, most modern shooters were either
horizontal or vertical (with a few very rare exceptions),
garnering little attention from critics who claimed the genre
was old, tired, and repetitive (regardless of quality). Though
simple and basic, both Mutant Storm - Reloaded and Geometry
Wars - Evolved spurred new interest in the genre by casual
youngsters and longtime shooting fans alike. The shooting
enthusiast could enjoy its old-school approach to the genre,
while the casual youngster could find refreshing fun in "the
other shooting genre." It was a risk, but Microsoft pushed
a few generic titles out the door and successfully resurrected
the shooting genre. Hell, some say they even introduced the
"manic shmup" to the masses (but that's whole other
article for another day)! Even though Geometry Wars - Evolved
was probably the more inspired of the two, but I had more
fun with Mutant Storm - Reloaded, and wondered why I hadn't
seen it on more of my friends' game lists. Where Geometry
Wars - Evolved blazed relentlessly until it suffocated you,
Mutant Storm - Reloaded was moderately-paced, with short breaks
that allowed you to catch your breath. Despite this contrast,
it seems Geometry Wars - Evolved had gotten more attention,
but Mutant Storm - Reloaded apparently still did well enough
to warrant a sequel, Mutant Storm - Empires. And much like
its predecessor, it seems to have gone somewhat unnoticed,
and needs more credit where credit is due.
The most
noticeable changes from MSR to MSE are probably aesthetic.
The design (as a whole) is better than the first one, and
is more inspired this time around. Enemies are no longer microscopic
gonorrhea gremlins and "shit flies." You still fight
a few of the same nondescript"thingies," "sperm-dudes,"
tanks, and turrets, but their dirty friends have been replaced
by a new host of enemies that range from lumbering, stomping
duck dudes to boogley-eyed robot oafs and other assorted mechanical
monstrosities. You also fight the token worms here and there,
big and small, to make it full circle. The end-boss, in particular,
looks surprisingly cool. Everything just looks more inspired
this time (with an alien-cyborg look), and there's a lot more
animation to be seen.
That inspiration,
however, comes at the price of the original game's sleek ship
design. Where the enemies in MSE have been improved and given
personality, your craft is now some unknown thing with dangling
legs attached to a big orange eye. It's not absolutely terrible,
but compared to the four sleek designs offered in MSR, it
seems the design went awry somewhere along the line. It's
a little sad, actually, because had they stuck with the same
player ship design as MSR, the combination of new enemies
in MSE would have made it a nice Gradius clone. And it probably
would have been more fun (and fair) than even Gradius itself!
In fact,
though most of the game is overhead, top-down shooting goodness,
there are a few parts where the action turns into a horizontal
blaster like Gradius! This a somewhat of a departure from
MSR, but a welcome one. How'd they do it? By putting lasers
on either side of the screen (often seen in the previous game),
and having enemies swarm at you from both sides. Longtime
shooting fans will taste hints of Gradius in these parts of
the game while dodging turret fire and blasting enemy streams
from silos. The only thing missing is the cheap shot that
Gradius enemies nut-out before they die, but nobody misses
that cheap crap! These parts also have a familiar Gradius
aesthetic, too, and it fits in well with the rest of the game's
improved environments.
of the environments, they aren't just more detailed, but streamlined
and put carefully together like a puzzle. You move seamlessly
between areas through tunnels and gates, and it really feels
like you're going somewhere (unlike MSR, where you feel like
you're going deeper into the bowels of something you'll never
escape from). Not to say that MSR had terrible level design,
it's just that there's more in MSE's levels; directional arrows
illuminating passages, turrets sprouting from trap doors,
gears turning hatches open, and enemies dropping from rails.
These seem like trivial things (compared to the dynamic environments
in 1942 - Joint Strike or DoDonPachi DaiOuJou - Black Label
Extra), but they bring MSE to life, and are precisely what
the previous game lacked.
Back to
the gameplay, Mutant Storm - Empire might remind veterans
of Psikyo's Zero Gunner 2 with its 360 degree shooting and
roaming, speed, and "Super Weapon." The "Smart
Bomb" from the previous game has been replaced by a "Super
Weapon" with limited use, and there are no longer any
"Power-Ups." Going back and playing the previous
game, I noticed that I miss the Laser weapon; it destroyed!
The game is still all about shooting everything on the screen
as quick as possible, but they took a cue from new shooters
and made it more combo-oriented. "Combo-driven"
implies that combos are somehow essential, but that is not
the case in this game, so "combo-oriented" best
describes it; you can play through the game just fine without
completing combos. The combo-oriented scoring system is finicky,
though, since it's more about killing certain enemies consecutively
than it is quickly chaining kills (as in other titles). For
some shooting fans, this might sound cool and refreshing,
but there are definitely others that will be turned-off by
the erratic pace. Even though you get more time between kills
in Mutant Storm - Empires, I still think it's easier to combo
in DoDonPachi DaiOuJou - Black Label Extra (a game that throws
everything at you, including the kitchen sink)!
Like its
predecessor, Mutant Storm Empire is very much an enjoyable
game with the same great pacing and good control, but with
improvements that make it a different shooting experience.
It isn't as polished as Cave's DoDonPachi DaiOuJou Black Label
Extra, and it doesn't have the nostalgic value of Capcom's
1942 - Joint Strike, but it's still a fun diversion until
big-hitters like Takumi and Psikyo start using new hardware.